BSEP,, Post 2 contribute, 2 inspire, & 2b inSpired
Hello everyone! Today i would like to share my experience for the first day of Tunza International Children & Youth Conference Bandung, at Sabuga.
I was very lucky to be invited to the conference. I thank Bayer Indonesia for giving me the chance to be there. Well, its a bit pity that the conference is held at ITB campus area, and there werent many ITB students participating in this conference, while in fact ITB probably has the brightest young minds in Indonesia.
Today conference was officially opened by Vice president of Indonesia, Mr Boediono. Before the opening, a minister, a governor, and UN representative gave speech. I like the way Mr Achim, the UN representative in giving his opening speech, it was very communicative. For indonesians representatives, they read papers, so it is felt a bit boring. But, regardless of the way they bring the speech, the point was Babakan Siliwangi is now the first world city forest.
From my opinion, it is like a miracle, Tunza comes to my city, my university, and it made a difference. Dada rosada, the major of Bandung, was actually very difficult to be negotiated. He wanted to build restaurants at BakSil. But with the weight of the world on him, he cant do anything. As an Indonesian, and living near the world first city forest now, and i will protect and take care of it.
The next is panel discussion and workshop. I wasn't involved in the panel discussion, but at this section, children and youth are telling their problems, asking opinions about the solutions they offer, discussing. I saw many children from India, speak english very fluently, and i was very impressed.
The next is a workshop. I was doing a presentation to media, with two other envoys from Brazil, Daniel, BYEE 2010 and Maria, Philipphines, BYEE 2010. Three of us presented our projects to the media. Again, i was very lucky, and i thank Allah for all opportunities He gives me. I'll tell you in detail about my project tomorrow, i hope you can give comments and opinions. Thanks!
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