Sunday, February 10, 2013

draft yang sudah lama tak dipos-pos

BSEP,, Post 2 contribute, 2 inspire, & 2b inSpired

13 November 2012

Today, I continued reading the power of love Habibie and Ainun which I started yesterday. I cited several paragraphs which for me are very important and gave me new knowledge about Indonesian government.

So, here is the citation,

------“The financial crisis of 1997-2000 has put an end to all measures to expand the strategic industries. The process of education, research, product development and manufacture oriented to the market in general, and in particular to industries in need of large amounts of high value work hours such as the N-250 were immediately frozen and the human resources which had been prepared were invited to find employment in similar companies in Europe, the USA, the Middle East, Brazil, Turkey and neighboring countries. Any reason which could be used was given to decrease and even discontinue the flow of funds very much needed to complete ongoing industrial manufacturing projects which had been in progress according to plan for more than 50 years. – Cited from Habibie & Ainun the power of love.

To obtain IMF support in facing monetary crisis of 1997-2000, the government of Indonesia had to immediately discontinue providing incentives and assistance to manufacturing industries, in particular the strategic industries. On-going plans were severely injured.

The IMF position toward the governments of the USA and Europe when they faced the monetary crisis of 2007-2010 was different. Here the position was that the domestic market should in fact be maintained as the major moving force of domestic manufacturing industries. Privately owned corporations were given assistance with incentives to prevent the private corporations from going ‘bankrupt’.”-----

After I read this I got a lot of things to think about yeah. Ok let’s list it one by one.

1. I just realized that Indonesia’s potential can really become a concrete reality. It’s insane and probably almost improbable at first thought for a developing country like Indonesia to be able to make a plane that was superior in its class where the world acknowledged.

2. That reality came through really hard work of BJ Habibie, his wife, his team, consistency of Soeharto in supporting him, spirits of both of them, trust between them, confidence in their ability.

3. It all took processes and time

4. Something that was out of expectations, such as monetary crisis in 1997-2000, is enough to delay the dream. I chose the word delay not stop because I believe that in my generation time, it is possible for the industry to resurrect. The situation now is as likely as improbable as before, and even we already got an advantage. What is it? We already know that we can do it!

5. The IMF approaches in dealing with monetary crisis in Indonesia are different from Europe & America. We were considered as the black horse and we were stopped even before we grew.

6. The facts of what we achieve really boost my confidence in engineering. There was a time when I felt very small in terms of brain in this big world. I visited Europe, and even the closest one Singapore and amazed of their engineering skills. They made planes, they build big constructions, and they build beautiful bridges. When I come home to my motherland, I suddenly feel that we were far behind them and it would take a lot of time to reach what they have reached. The facts also brought my mentality in the state that foreigners are smarter than us. But after knowing the history of people in Indonesia from this book, I started to believe in myself again and I am once more brave to dream big for my nation.

7. Other than that, I truly envy Ainun to be loved by her husband so much like that. I am praying to the God that I will someday too be loved and have an eternal love with my husband just as Habibie and Ainun.

Today was a very great day. Cool and great day. I am lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky to have close friends like you guys here in Bandung and Jakarta. I have great friends too in Malang, and luckily that all of you are the best gifts God has given me in terms of friends. All of you the best!

Well, let me explain who are they, my best friends!

First, my friends at Chemical Engineering:

Well, let’s say I am an initiator. I like to do new things and make a community to do the things. I like futsal so I invite anyone who seems to be interested to play futsal. Fortunately all of my friends they welcome my invitation greatly even though they have not played futsal before. Some were very much filled with enthusiasm and continue playing regularly with me. And some others, even though they are not that attached in futsal, they at least tried to play several times to try new things.

So, here are they:

1. Nurani Galuh Safitri

People call her Galuh. She was called Lulu in her home though. She is a typically homely girl. She never played almost everything before, yes almost everything. She never went to timezone, she never joined any sport team, and she even never went to barbershop! I met her first time at SSDK (Strategi Sukses di Kampus), a training provided by my university for first year student so they can have strategy to face campus life. I am a very outgoing girl, so when I made her acquaintance, at that time I thought I can never be friends with someone who never goes out. But it turned to be 180 degree as I found that it’s her who never tried almost everything who can be invited by me to try everything. Hehehehehehe…. So, she became my best friend. At futsal she played at the back, a defender.

2. Aninda Cahya Putri

At first meeting with her, it was at PS (Persatuan Sepakbola) ITB. So, we met because we have same interests in playing futsal. I didn’t quite like her at first time, because what I saw was she kept giggling and laughing without reason, so I was a kind of confused what’s with this girl. But it turns out that despite of her weirdness which I and my friend already accepted very well hahaha… I found that she is a girl who is consistent with her efforts, she won’t give up, and I really respect her spirit. At futsal she played at the back too, a defender.

Quite interesting facts that both of them are now working in the same company with me, a different department though, and their department is safety department! Departement to ensure that everything is going safe, that our zone at futsal is safe, hehehehe. So she became my best friend.

3. Winnie Sapitri Tandri Alia

She has super strong will and mentality. Easy going, kind. When I see her, what I see is a real effort, a real struggle to achieve something she wants. She is very diligent, patient, respect her friends. She really is a good friend for me. Her life probably lack of money, but she and her sister together with her family struggle together to get the best possible education. They even sold their house to pay the education for my friends. But the result is good and not fruitless. Her sister now has been working in a medical equipment company in Jakarta, have tasted korea, shanghai…. And my friend, Winnie, has graduated from ITB together with me in July and now waiting for her first job, hehehe. And so, she is my bestfriend. 

4. Anatasiah Lukanta

She is another role model for me. She is very consistent. Amazing isn’t it. While me, I am sometime super good sometime super bad. But she, she refused to go bad and maintain to be good in keeping her spirit.

5. Prapti Dwi Utami

6. Azka Azkiya Choliq

7. Yena Saribhawani

8. Misbaqul Munir

9. Kevin Hackman

10. Albert Amanto

11. Mohammad Zakaria

12. Rio Koes

13. Felix Samuel

14 November 2012

It’s a bit sad that some people thought that sports are only for boys. They don’t know if it’s something that girls really can enjoy.

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