Saturday, December 11, 2010

Making mistakes?? Why not?

BSEP,, Post 2 contribute, 2 inspire, & 2b inSpired

Hello, long time no see. Haha, like i've been going some where and just appeared suddenly.
Well lately days i have got so many problems in my life. But maybe it is the turning point of my life.
So it begins w/ small problems that could turn into big problems.
I got BC mark for Bahan Konstruksi dan Korosi, where i thought that was unfair, because i believe i could do more. I was asked to the lecturer room to make my mark B because my BC was 64.985 and the B minimum was 65. But unfortunately i couldnt come because i have arranged a meeting in Jakarta, and it is impossible for me to go back to Bandung that fast. I asked my friend to negotiate, but the final decision is i have to do the UAS. Well, thats fine for me.
But when i read the announcement board i found that my mark was 2 degree behind my friend who have the same result for exams. So this is where the problem began, i felt that it wasnt unfair for me if the difference of the grade was that much. The only difference that is significant enough is that i wasnt following the first quiz. At that quiz time, actually i had just knew that there is a class that was a pengganti(substitution)-class when i have arrived at my home. And at that time i hadnt gone to campus because it was raining hard, and i had thought that maybe it was ok if im not coming for one quiz. So, when Bambang said sorry for not telling me the info, then i said that its okay, no probs, its just a quiz. But at the end of the semester, it makes my mark with my friend so far apart.I sent an email to my lecture, telling about i feel unfair about this, and he asked me why i feel unfair now, why not at the time when the quiz is held? And he will investigate this.

From my story, i have learned many things.
1. Small problem can be a big problem, do not ever assume that everything is okay. Think otherwise, think that everything is possible and you should consider every thought possibilities.
2. It is better to ask if you dont understand, earlier better, dont assume.

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